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World Gratitude Day

Celebrate World Gratitude Day!

September 21st is a day all about being grateful and thankful. Showing a bit of gratitude to a person, place, or thing can go a long way. So today, take the time to reflect and say thank you to the places you've travelled to, who you travelled with, and what you did when you travelled there. In honour of World Gratitude Day, we've come up with a list of 20 Ways To Say Thank You so that you can show your gratitude in 20 other languages!

Spread some kindness and gratitude ❤

Practice Gratitude With These Blogs

Have you been to any of these places? Done any of these? What makes you thankful for them?

Be Thankful for Food

If there's one thing we all can be thankful for -- it's food! What a better way to practice gratitude than with a homemade meal with family or friends.

Read our blog on Homemade Recipes for Famous Cuisines

Be Thankful for Memories

Over the years, we've all been to different places and done different things... Reflect on and cherish all those memories you've built!

Read our blog on the Best Things to do With Your Holiday Photos

Be Thankful for Adventures

Being able to explore new places and do new things are all part of what makes an adventure, and something we should be thankful for!

Read our blog on Exciting Adventures in Canada

Be Thankful for Nature

As seasons change, so do our surroundings. With every season, wherever you are in the world, there is always something to appreciate and admire.

Read more about Beautiful Flowers Fields in the world

Be Thankful for Travel

Every place we travel to, there is always a story behind every destination. Taking the time to appreciate the history and the people is what traveling is all about!

Read more about the New Seven Wonders in the world

Be Thankful for Experiences

Whether it be a festival, a special holiday, or celebration, there are so many unique experiences that we are able to have that would last a lifetime.

Read more about exciting Hot Air Balloon Festivals around the world

A brief introduction into World Gratitude Day

What is World Gratitude Day?

World Gratitude Day is a day that is meant to bring organisations, nations, and indivduals together to celebrate and share their gratitude in different ways. It's designed to join the whole world together in being thankful.

How did World Gratitude Day start?

Back in 1965, during a United Nations Thanksgiving dinner, members decided that there should be a day of thanks where the whole world celebrates being thankful. That day became known as World Gratitude Day on September 21st.

How should you celebrate World Gratitude Day?

Be thankful! Be mindful about what you have and above all, appreciate what you have. It is especially important to say thank you to those that you love and celebrate with them because you can!

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